Monday, October 18, 2010

Clay's week didn't end as good as it started.

Even though Clay had a great weekend, things went south just before halftime of his game Tuesday. He was playing both offense and defense. While on defense a player with the ball tried to run outside and Clay tackled him. Clay also landed directly on his left shoulder and his collarbone broke. Here is a nice picture taken in the emergengy room Tuesday night. Wednesday he went to the Orthopedic doctor and Friday had surgery.

Here is the X-ray of his collarbone showing the break. To fix the bone the doctor made an incision, put the bone in a clamp, spread the bone back apart until they fit back in place then put a plate with six screws in it to hold it.

Here is the finished product with the bone straightened back out in place. It was 15 staples to close the incision. He says it it numb in the area around the incision. Two days after the surgery he is feeling much better with very little pain. Hopefully I can get an X-ray picture of the plate and screws on his collarbone.

Here it is.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The New Hunting Season

This year Clay and I have gotten in a new lease in Union Parish. Clay killed this 7 pt this morning on the youth weekend. I put him on the stand this morning about 5:30. We scared 4 deer out when we went in. About 7:30 two does came in and left. About 15 minutes later I heard a shot and then a yell. He made a great shot and this is his first "racked"buck. He was more excited than the picture shows. I was sitting on a stand nearby and saw about a dozen turkeys. He killed it with my dad's 30-06. That rifle has killed quite a few bucks. This makes the 3rd generation that has killed bucks with this gun.
One thing about the new lease is we have more than just deer. Here is one of the many bear that inhabit the area. Notice the pole in the background. That is so I can hang the barrel feeder full of corn so he can't get at it. This was my rice bran feeder he was trying to tear up. This picture was taken at 5:12 and I got the card from this camera before 6:oo so I just missed him.
This is the Big Daddy Camphouse. We added the porch and bunkroom to the camp. You can not imagine how hard it is to build a room that is not square in any way. It is especially difficult to hang paneling and no sheet fits correctly. Other than that it is very well built and tight.